French Bulldog Size and Weight Guide

The French Bulldog, affectionately known as the “Frenchie,” is a small, muscular, and compact dog breed. They are known for their bat-like ears, short snout, and charming personality. But how big do they get? This guide will provide you with detailed information on the size and weight of French Bulldogs.

For new and prospective Frenchie owners, understanding the growth trajectory of this breed is crucial. Not only does it provide insights into their physical development, but it also aids in anticipating their needs at various stages of puppyhood. Whether you’re curious about how much your Frenchie will weigh as they transition from a playful pup to a mature adult or you’re seeking guidance on their dietary and health needs, this guide is designed to provide comprehensive insights.

In the sections that follow, we will delve deep into the month-by-month growth patterns of French Bulldogs, shedding light on their size, weight, and the factors that influence their development. This guide aims to equip you with the knowledge you need to ensure your Frenchie grows into a healthy and happy adult dog, ready to share countless memorable moments with you.

So, whether you’ve just welcomed a Frenchie into your home or are considering adding one to your family, let’s embark on this enlightening journey together, exploring the captivating world of French Bulldog growth and development.

Factors Affecting Size and Weight

  1. Diet: A balanced and nutritious diet plays a crucial role in the growth and weight of a French Bulldog. Overfeeding can lead to obesity, while underfeeding can result in malnutrition.
  2. Exercise: Regular exercise helps in maintaining a healthy weight. However, due to their flat faces, Frenchies can have breathing problems, so it’s essential to monitor their activity level and ensure they don’t overexert themselves.
  3. Genetics: The size and weight of a French Bulldog can also be influenced by its genetic makeup. If the parents are larger or smaller than average, the puppy might follow suit.
  4. Health: Underlying health issues can affect a Frenchie’s weight. Regular vet check-ups are crucial to ensure they are in good health.

Male French Bulldog Weight Chart

1 month4 – 7 lbs
2 months9 – 12 lbs
3 months10 – 14 lbs
4 months12 – 16 lbs
5 months15 – 20 lbs
6 months17 – 22 lbs
7 months18 – 25 lbs
8 months19 – 27 lbs
9 months20 – 28 lbs
10 months20 – 28 lbs
11 months20 – 28 lbs
1 year20 – 28 lbs

Female French Bulldog Weight Chart

1 month3 – 6 lbs
2 months7 – 10 lbs
3 months8 – 12 lbs
4 months10 – 15 lbs
5 months11 – 17 lbs
6 months13 – 20 lbs
7 months14 – 21 lbs
8 months15 – 22 lbs
9 months16 – 22 lbs
10 months17 – 24 lbs
11 months17 – 24 lbs
1 year17 – 24 lbs

French Bulldog Height Chart

3 months4 – 6 inches
6 months7 – 9 inches
9 months10 – 11 inches
1 year11 – 13 inches

1. Puppy Stage: Birth to 6 months

Physical Development:

  • Size: At birth, French Bulldog puppies are incredibly tiny, often fitting snugly in the palm of your hand. They usually weigh between 6 to 9 ounces.
  • Appearance: Their eyes and ears remain closed, and their fur is soft and delicate.

Behavioral Traits:

  • They spend most of their time sleeping and feeding.
  • By 3-4 weeks, they begin to open their eyes, become more aware of their surroundings, and start to take their first wobbly steps.


  • This stage requires careful handling and minimal disturbance.
  • They rely solely on their mother’s milk for nutrition.


As they grow, their weight increases rapidly. By the age of 6 months, they can weigh anywhere from 12 to 19 pounds, depending on their genetics and diet.

1 Month:

Weight: 2.5 – 7 lbs (1.1 – 3.2 kg)

They are tiny and fragile at this stage. It’s essential to handle them with care.

2 Months:

Weight: 5 – 12 lbs (2.2 – 5.4 kg)

This is usually the age when puppies are taken to their new homes.

3 Months:

Weight: 7 – 14 lbs (3.1 – 6.4 kg)

They start becoming more active and playful.

4 Months:

Weight: 9 – 16 lbs (4 – 7.3 kg)

Rapid growth phase. Ensure they are getting proper nutrition.

5 Months:

Weight: 11 – 20 lbs (5 – 9 kg)

They become more muscular and sturdy.

6 Months:

Weight: 13 – 22 lbs (5.9 – 10 kg)

Growth starts to slow down a bit.

2. Adolescent Stage: 6 months to 1 year

Physical Development:

  • Size: During this stage, Frenchies continue to grow but at a slower pace. By the age of 1 year, most French Bulldogs will weigh between 16 to 28 pounds. However, this can vary based on factors like diet, exercise, and genetics.
  • Appearance: Their bones and muscles become more defined, and they start to shed their puppy fur, transitioning to their adult coat.

Behavioral Traits:

  • This is a period of exploration and learning. Puppies are curious, playful, and might exhibit teething behaviors.
  • They begin to understand basic commands and can be more receptive to training.


  • Proper socialization is crucial at this stage to ensure they grow up to be well-adjusted adults.
  • A balanced diet that supports their rapid growth is essential.

7 Months:

Weight: 14 – 25 lbs (6.4 – 11.3 kg)

Close to their adult size.

8 Months:

Weight: 15 – 27 lbs (6.8 – 12.2 kg)

Growth is much slower now.

9 Months:

Weight: 16 – 28 lbs (7.3 – 12.7 kg)

Almost fully grown.

10 Months:

  • Weight: 17 – 28 lbs (7.7 – 12.7 kg)
  • Growth is minimal

11 Months:

Weight: 17 – 28 lbs (7.7 – 12.7 kg)

Almost at their adult weight.

12 Months (1 Year):

  • Weight: 17 – 28 lbs (7.7 – 12.7 kg)
  • They are considered adults, but some might still grow a little more.

3. Adult Stage: 1 year and older

Physical Development:

  • Size: They reach their full height, usually standing about 11 to 13 inches tall at the shoulder. However, they might continue to fill out, becoming more muscular.
  • Weight: The typical weight range for adult French Bulldogs is between 16 to 28 pounds. Males usually weigh between 20 to 28 pounds, while females typically weigh between 16 to 24 pounds. However, it’s essential to note that these are average figures, and individual dogs can be slightly lighter or heavier.

Behavioral Traits:

  • They are more settled and less hyperactive than their puppy selves but still retain their playful nature.
  • Their personalities are more established, and they form strong bonds with their families.


  • Regular exercise to maintain a healthy weight and muscle tone.
  • Continued training and mental stimulation to keep them engaged.

Conclusion: Understanding the Growth of Your French Bulldog Puppy

Raising a French Bulldog puppy is a rewarding experience that comes with its own set of challenges and joys. One of the most fascinating aspects is watching them grow and develop, transforming from a tiny, fragile creature into a robust and playful companion. This growth journey is not just about numbers on a scale but understanding the physical and behavioral changes that come with each stage.

The month-by-month weight guide provided above offers a general roadmap of what to expect in terms of size. However, it’s essential to remember that every French Bulldog is unique. Factors like genetics, diet, exercise, and overall health can influence their growth rate and adult size. Some might grow rapidly in the initial months and then taper off, while others might have a more steady growth rate throughout the year.

It’s also crucial to pay attention to their body condition and not just the weight. A healthy French Bulldog should have a well-defined waist when viewed from above and a tuck in the abdominal area when viewed from the side. Their ribs should be palpable but not visible. If you’re ever in doubt about your puppy’s weight or growth rate, always consult with a veterinarian. They can provide guidance tailored to your puppy’s specific needs and ensure they are on the right track.

Moreover, while size and weight are important indicators of health, they are just one piece of the puzzle. Observing your puppy’s behavior, energy levels, appetite, and overall demeanor are equally vital. A happy, active puppy that’s eager to play and explore is usually a healthy one.

In conclusion, as you navigate the exciting journey of puppyhood with your French Bulldog, cherish every moment. From their first hesitant steps to their playful romps, every stage is fleeting and precious. By understanding their growth patterns and ensuring they receive the right care, nutrition, and love, you’ll set the foundation for a long, happy, and healthy life together.

September 7, 2023

Sade Amor

Sade Amor is the Marketing Director of Frenchie FAQ. She is a huge dog lover and owner of a French Bulldog herself. Sade has many years of writing experience and first hand experience raising & training French Bulldogs!

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